I am a wild breath of life. Delight and curiosity. A pebble tossed into a giant pond. The wave rippling out to you.
Making art is my way of collaborating with the unknown. It’s a way for me to practice choosing curiosity and pleasure over overwhelm and despair.
And listen, I’m not gonna lie—overwhelm and despair are justifiable responses to what’s happening in the world right now. It’s a lot.
Sometimes I ask myself if making and selling art and creativity is really the most important thing I could be doing, and every time I sit with this question, the answer I arrive at is yes. The most important.
shop art
Shop Bridge to Delight in Troubling Times and other paintings on canvas
Shop For the Love of the Process batch-made mini paintings
I paint a lot, and tend to only share a small percentage of the work that I make.
That is, until last autumn, when I decided to comb back through my private archives and select 100 of my favorite never-before-released works and compile them into a secret archive sale.
Only available to shop through the secret catalog.