I transmute feeling into color and line.

I compost shitty past experiences, unhelpful beliefs, and stuck emotions into raw, wild, colorful beauty.

Art is how I alchemize the weight of the world into something that expands me instead of crushes me.

To move through this moment in time and resist the rise of authoritarianism, we need not just art but what art teaches: the capacity to be with the unknown; the ability to move through resistance and fear and act anyways; audacity; delight; the ability to imagine something new.

These are the skills that shape our future.

These are the skills that shape not just us, but the world we're building.

shop available art

shop originals on canvas

mantra for releasing toxic positivity


bridge to delight in troubling times


an afternoon all to myself


dappled light on my afternoon walk


shop batch-made minis 

For the Love of the Process is a line of batch-made mini original paintings.

I paint these as a kind of creative warm-up to my practice and decided this year to offer them for sale at a fraction of what my originals usually go for as a small act of community care during a time where things feel really fucking bleak.

Painting has taught me how to partner with the unknown, to be a friend to myself through uncertainty, and to keep creating even when I don’t know what’s on the other side.

And honestly? I don’t know what is on the other side of this administration. It’s not good. But I do know that to sustain ourselves through the awfulness of it all, that centering joy and beauty and embracing the parts of the process what we can control is really fucking important.

Shop the series in person at Second Rodeo Coffee in South Portland

Thru the end of March 2025, purchase a painting directly from the wall display!

Follow For the Love of the Process on Substack!

Get updates on new and upcoming batch-made painting drops by becoming a free or paid subscriber to the project on Substack.

shop the secret

archive sale 

Over the years, I've made so much art—much of it quietly tucked away in my studio, never shared or shown.

This secret sale cracks open my personal archive, offering you a rare chance to collect from over 100 original works spanning my creative seasons. It's a little love letter to my past self—and maybe a piece of art will feel like a love letter to you, too!

The only way to shop is through the Secret Archive Sale Catalog — so grab your copy below and take a peek inside!