about me.

Hi! I’m ashley (yep! in lowercase, pls) and I’m a non-binary woman (may sound oxymoronic but if you have ever enjoyed the shade of a blue-green crayon you can surely appreciate the paradox of my gender) who really fucking loves to make stuff.

Making stuff helps me to slow my roll and leave the anxious chatter of my mind to drop down, down, down into the wild animal of my body who, turns out, is truly obsessed with the sensory delights.

Texture and color! Shape and line! Dappled, dancing light.

Creating gives me space to process my thoughts and feelings. It helps me tap into curiosity, delight and expand my capacity to work in collaboration with the unknown (a skill we as humans need now more than ever).

I used to be a Montessori teacher by day and an artist on nights and weekends, but it was a recipe for burnout. Besides, I could only hear myself tell my students: “Follow your interests!” for so long before I took my own advice more fully!!

I am a former Know It All. A neurodivergent, tender-hearted queer. A community organizer. A creative coach. A published poet. An internationally-collected artist. A feral cat mom and a lover of libraries.

I’ve got great sleep hygiene with the glaring exception of my nightly reddit scroll (hey, who doesn’t love a good rabbit hole?!) I am a total coffee snob.

I share and sell my art because it brings me a lot of joy and meaning to make it, and I know most of what I make does not really belong to me but to you, somewhere, out in the world. Nothing delights me more than when you find yourself in my work!!   

Wanna see for yourself?
Shop my art here!

my values.

My work—both as an artist and as a human—is shaped by spaciousness, connection, creativity, and care.

Spaciousness means rejecting burnout culture and making art from a place of presence and enoughness rather than urgency or scarcity. It’s about allowing myself room to explore, create, rest, connect and live.

Connection is at the heart of everything I do. Whether through my artwork or creative facilitation, I want my work to feel like an open door—an invitation to create, to feel, to belong—within yourself and your communities.

Creativity isn’t just about making things; it’s about how we move through the world. It’s developing a capacity to play, experiment and listen deeply. It’s about engaging with the unknown with a mindset of growth, and trusting that what emerges will be exactly what is needed.

Care means valuing people over profit, community over competition, and integrity over perfection. It means extending generosity to myself as much as I do to my people, and offering touch-points that center care throughout my art-making and sharing process.

on pricing.

When you buy art from me, you’re investing in a world that values artists by paying them a living wage.

As an independent artist, I am my own employer. That means I have a responsibility to price my work ethically— just like any values-driven business that believes workers deserve to be paid a living wage!

I didn’t always think this way. For years, I struggled to put a price on my art and often gave work away for free — even when I did put a price on things, I’d still end up in the red! A part of me felt guilty asking for money on something that came so joyfully to me.

Eventually, through trial and error, I realized: if I wanted to build a sustainable career in the arts—one that allowed me to rest, grow and create from a place of abundance, not burnout—I had to start pricing my work in a way that truly supported me.

We live in a culture that undervalues art, even while we surround ourselves with it daily! People balk at paying artists fairly in ways that they wouldn’t question when hiring a business consultant, buying a handcrafted piece of furniture, or even investing in a quality coat! But original art is just that—an investment in something real, something handmade, and born of years of slow experimentation, development and persistent curiosity.

My pricing reflects the care, time and skill I put into my work. It allows me to keep making art not just today, but years into the future. If you believe in the importance of art and artists, invest in my work and become a co-conspirator toward a world where artists don’t just scrape by but thrive.


I create to connect and care for myself and to deepen my ability to work with the unknown.

I am fascinated with the ways our environments—not only the physical but the emotional, ideological, and relational environments that constantly surround us—shape us as humans. I explore these spaces in my work across subject matter and utilize expressionist principles that embody the tenets of a more nurturing world: delight over shame; curiosity over control; and presence over perfection.

Centering delight throughout the process, I often use my hands as much as my brushes and tools, and work with fast-drying materials like acrylic paint and pastels which tether me to the present moment and allow for intuitive layering and spontaneous experiments.

I work intuitively, letting my art come through me rather than from me. My creative process is a conversation—between my body, my materials, and the unfolding moment.

Experience it for yourself, shop available art.


2019-2020, Body as Landscape, 21c Museum Hotel, Nashville, TN

2018, Cognitive Landscapes, Franklin, TN


2023, Daybreak, 82 Parris, Portland, ME

2022, Holiday Salon, Galerie Tangerine, Nashville, TN

2021, She is, Art for the Home, Nashville, TN

2019, Skyn, Hotel Preston, Nashville, TN

2019, Art Comes Alive, Art Design Company, Cincinnati, OH

2018, Essence of Form, St. Lous Artist’s Guild, St. Louis, MO

2018, Horizon: Contemporary Landscapes, Arts Center for the Bluegrass, Danville, KY

2016, Art Comes Alive, purchase award, Art Design Company, Cincinnati, OH

2016, Horizon: Contemporary Landscapes, Arts Center for the Bluegrass, Danville, KY


2020, Stay Home Gallery, Paris, TN

2019, Rockvale Writers’ Colony, Rockvale, TN


2014, American Montessori Society, 3-6 Certification

2014, Montessori Educational Institute of North America, Creative Curriculum Development, Jackson, TN

2012, B.A. in English, Elementary Education and Painting from Belmont University, Nashville, TN



Channel Your Inner, “Bad Girl,” for Success in Art and Business, She Who Paints Podcast, 2024

Make Art A Lifestyle with Ashley Trabue, Dangerous Creatives Podcast, 2023

Atlanta Shoutout: Meet Ashley, 2021

Artist Check-in with Ashley Trabue, Museum 21c, 2020

A Moment with Ashley Trabue, Love Local, 2020

Finding Joy in Art with Ashley Trabue, 100% Creative Podcast, 2020

Embracing Your Inner Artist with Ashley Trabue, Money Confident Podcast, 2020

Coffee date: Disney Princesses + Deprogramming Beliefs, Pretty, Please podcast, 2020

Purity Culture, Josh Harris, & Now What // Curiocity Podcast 2019

She Is Balanced, interview, 2019


Dancing Girl Press, Vertebrae, poetry chapbook, 2019

Versify #31: Before Bukowski, 2019

Rebelle Society, Blueprint of a Buried Voice, 2018

Hobart, Murmuration 2017

Rockvale Review, three poems 2017

Ekphrastic Poetry Project, What if the Children are Not Spoiled 2017

Nashville Review, two poems 2015